Friday, October 12, 2012

Port A-what-a?

I never did explain just what a Port Acara is and now I feel mildly silly.

The Port Acara is a mid-sized cichlid, growing upwards of 6 inches on a good day, hailing from South America. Unlike many of the other larger cichlids (and some smaller) they are pretty peaceful fish and can be kept with most other species with little to no problem. Their size and temperament have deemed them (or rather 'it' since i plan to get only 1) a great candidate for my 30 gallon tank(which is the absolute minimum for a single Portie). They also do not have any strict water specifications and can enjoy a broad range of pH and water hardness, unlike the African cichlids that really enjoy higher pH and more alkaline water (achieved through crushed coral, normally, unless you naturally have high pH and alkaline water).

They are very easy breeders, but are considered to be a drab looking fish and not ordered by most pet stores. This is where I'm really having the problem, just finding someone who sells them. Their cousin the Blue Acara is vastly more easily found and I may have to just settle on one of these fellows. While their cousin is indeed more vibrant and even shares the exact same living conditions, I just fell in love with the Portie's attitude. They are very can-do and in-your-face, not afraid to charge the hapless arm while you're rearranging tank decor. I like bull-dog fish. I've heard the Blue Acara is a bit more relaxed and thus not as appealing to me.

Anyways, I'm 'borrowing' some images from google to show you guys the fish I'm talking about. The Port Acara:

and it's cousin the vibrant, but  more shy, Blue Acara.

I think this might even be my very first 'Fish of the Week'!

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